This blog has NOTHING to do with mortgages, financing, or even real estate, although these people's finances surely took a hit and it would appear that at least one corporate entity owes them some prime real estate.
How unacceptable was it that the NFL sold tickets for unconfirmed seating at the Super Bowl? This whole debacle was preventable! One man's story is here, and there are at least 400 more just like it. 400!!
If the NFL had not tried to spin this, if only they'd stepped up to the plate (sorry, misplaced sports metaphore) and admitted that they had really screwed up, maybe people would not have been so angry. OK... maybe they still would have been but the rest of us wouldn't have seen it as such a fiasco.
It seems the NFL has now offered seats at the next Super Bowl (probably not PRIME real estate but valuable territory nonetheless) Is this enough? Should these fans be happy? Satisfied? A little annoyed? Or still really ticked off?
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