Monday, April 9, 2012

Because I Ask. (Are your time and your money important to you?)

How do you choose a service provider? Lots of businesses advertise the best product, the latest technology, the most attentive sales people, the quickest transaction, outstanding, leading, premium, superb... you get the idea. Except you probably don't. After a hail storm of advertising, many times we still can't pinpoint the exact justification for the choices we make. We've learned to be content with this. I guess because it happens every day and mostly it all turns out just fine.

So I'll ask again, how do you choose a service provider? My initial thought would be; always in person. Do I do this? I think I ought to take the fifth here. Can you imagine the time and energy involved in actually meeting with, say... your electric company or the water department? And the internet has fortunately freed us from ever meeting anyone at the DMV! Doing everything in person would be highly impractical if not impossible, and at the very least inconvenient. It would be a return to the 1950s. I love being able to research, compare, and buy without ever leaving the comfort of my La-Z-Boy. And there it is!! Comfort. That seems to be the selling point that most marketing is missing. How do we become comfortable with the companies, people and products that we're considering? Funny you should ask, I've been thinking about this a lot.

I always make the call.

What about technology you say? Why should we ever have to talk to anyone? Comfort. Actually technology has made it considerably easier to talk to people and really, that's the only way I know of to determine who I’m dealing with. We need to be able to ask the difficult questions and get the answers that will help us move forward. I know from experience that in the mortgage industry, a quick conversation can be a HUGE time and money saver.

When I'm choosing a service provider I always KNOW because I ASK, I'm comfortable because I know. We will be confident that we’ve made the best use of our time and our money when we ask.


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