Thursday, January 31, 2013

Subprime Again ?

Would a return to subprime mortgages be good or bad for the real estate market?

There are so many different ways to look at it that I’m not exactly sure what I think.

On one hand, I do believe that the subprime mortgage debacle played a huge role in the implosion of our housing market. But what was it that drove the machine in the first place? Was it lender greed? Borrower ignorance? Crowd mentality? Inflated appraisals? Over enthusiastic Realtors? Buyer desperation? Keeping up with the Joneses? Bad timing? “Big bank” duplicity? General apathy? I would tend to go with All of the Above. And who benefitted? We all did. There are millions of thankful homeowners who wouldn’t be homeowners at all if it weren’t for the leg-up they received from their first (subprime) mortgage.

On the other hand, I keep having this nagging feeling that if everything negative in our economy hadn’t come together just as it had, in precisely the right way and at precisely the right moment, the real estate crash mightn’t have been so severe (would it even have happened?). There’s such a muddle of cause and effect in this whole snarl of events that it’s become a “chicken or egg” debate. No one is really certain what came first and what caused what.

I watched the movie Too Big to Fail again last week. It’s an eye-opening little piece of cinema for sure! All about manipulation… ultra-powerful people in various stages of delusion, seducing and misleading the general public. I felt gullible and exploited. But then maybe it’s just a movie. Maybe.

As much as I’ve mulled over our economic maladies in the past 5 or 6 years, I am no closer to understanding them. That’s frightening to me. Does anyone understand, and are we doomed to repeat this?

This all incites me to share a very brief article I read today, courtesy of You can read it here. Apparently someone is suggesting we return to some version of the subprime mortgage.

Knowing what I know, which as you can see is very little. And feeling what I feel (very much conflicted). I’m right back where I was before I read that article. I have no idea what I think.

What I know…
1.)    People need a place to live.
2.)    People deserve a second chance.

What I feel…
1.)    This might help our housing market and in the process, our economy.
2.)    We still don’t know what started this whole thing.


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