Monday, November 1, 2010

Phew... it wasn't scary after all

What a weekend! I’m always amazed at the creativity of small children and their parents. I love Halloween, always have and still do. It’s like throwing a huge block party without a clue who’s on your guest list. If only for a few hours, your neighborhood becomes one big, very happy, very friendly family.

If you're anything like me you make a fair attempt to keep up with whatever is going on in your neighborhood. Between work and a house full of kids this isn't always practical, but the past weekend presented an especially eye-opening opportunity to do just that. Whether you were on the hunt for goodies with the kids, or joking with the neighbors while you handed out treats, (most of my duties were of the "hunting" variety this year) you can't help but notice that your immediate community is dotted with a lot of new neighbors, and more than a few For Sale signs. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this wasn’t always the case. Just a short time ago, if a neighbor moved in or out we all noticed, or at the very least were aware of it. Not so much anymore. True?

I’ve gotta tell you, it really was a pleasure seeing all the new folks, though I was a little embarrassed that I hadn’t met them before. But I couldn't say the same about all the For Sale signs, they were the scariest thing I'd seen all evening, that is until I actually gave it some thought. Remember back to that time when you  noticed your neighbors moving? Remember around the same time, news reports about first-time-buyers being priced out of the market? Again… Not so much anymore. I guess I’ve formed a new opinion about all those For Sale signs. A lot of my clients now are first-time-buyers. No longer blocked out of the market, they’re thrilled, and life is good for them.

My take-away from the Halloween weekend? The bag of tricks that our real estate market has become is not all horrifying, dig around a little and you’ll find some very sweet stuff in there.

Do you have a sweet story or a scary tale to share about real estate in your neighborhood? I'd really love to hear it!


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